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Charter School Enrollment

Let Your School Pay For Gymnastics!


Valley-Wide Elite Gymnastics is a vendor at these local charter school:

Mission Vista Academy

Pacific Coast Academy

Cabrillo Point Academy

Excel Academy 

Granite Mountain Charter School.

Soon to be a vendor for River Springs & Sage Oaks Charter School. You may request that VWEG becomes your P.E. provider and your school will pay for your monthly tuition! 


Step 1

Request the funds:
Tell your school that you're ready to sign up for gymnastics! Tuition cost is listed
 at Charter School website or under schedule tab on this website. 

  • Check the portal for tuiton pricing or check charter school site for correct pricing.

  • $39.00 Yearly Registration Fee is required when you first enroll. 

  • Make an account on the parent portal under the register tab.

  • You will have to put a debit card into the parent portal but it will not be charged.

  • Text (714)600-3099 after you enroll for the class on the parent portal and let Coach Heather know you have charter funds and send the certifcate or information about your funds.

  • Funds will be applied and balance on parent portal removed once Coach Heather gets the information . 

  • Using Charter Fund for Camps & Tumbling Clinics--Some charter funds will not pay for classes on the weekend.

  • Charter funds are nonrefundable.

  • Pricing for charter funds has tuition cost and $20.00 processing fee due to payment not being recieved until 3 weeks after session start date.

    Registration Fee Required
    Include a $39.00 annual registration fee for the school year for your first payment only. You can also pay for this out of pocket if you like. 




Step 2

Use your parent portal account to enroll online into the class that fits your athlete's age group.  You will have to put a debit or credit card on file but it will not be charged. Text Coach Heather directly to make sure VWEG received charter schools funds at (714) 600-3099 and your account will be updated with the charter fund payment by Coach Heather.



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